Friday, December 4, 2009

Cap'n Cruddy Eye and the Busy, Busy Weekend

Once Thanksgiving was over, we were FAR from done with our weekend. Friday morning, Grammy Dorothy, Patrick and I headed north for my dear friend Mara's wedding festivities while Ryan and Grandpa Phil stayed behind to work on the old house. Patrick was sniffley and had a little bit of a 'booger eye' thing happening, but we didn't worry too much. We headed straight to Mara's rehearsal and then to Grammy and Grandpa's to get Patrick settled in. Friday night, I headed back down to Rolling Meadows for the rehearsal dinner, while Patrick stayed with Grammy.

Saturday morning, I headed to Addison to get ready for the wedding with the other bridesmaids and Mara while a boogery Patrick stayed with Grammy. His eyes were a little more boogered, but again nothing too bad, and his cough seemed to be subsiding. Fast forward a few hours - the wedding is over, the pictures are being taken, and of course, my phone is being stored away with all the bridesmaid stuff. Unfortunately, this meant I missed my poor mother calling to tell me that Patrick had a fever. When I finally heard the message, I felt awful for not only leaving a sick baby home, but for not being there when mom called. I was a mess with worry. With no infant tylenol in the house, and no car mom was willing to put a car seat in, we were in a bit of a pickle (i love that saying!) until Super Aunt Pat swooped in to save the day with a trip to the store. Thanks again, Aunt Pat! Love you! With all under control, I was able to relax again and enjoy a bit of the reception. Congrats again, Mara and Adam!

Think the weekend was over? Oh, no.

Sunday morning, Grammy Dorothy, Patrick, and I packed up early and headed back to Clinton so P & I could get Ryan and head to Peoria. Unfortunately, at this point, Patrick's eyes were a goopy, globby, nasty mess. Ryan and I decided to make a quick stop at a Prompt Care on our way to P-town. During the 5.6 seconds the doctor spent in the room, he diagnosed Patrick with conjunctivitis (aka pinkeye). He gave us a gel to put in Patrick's eyes 4 times a day for the next week. Patrick loves them. [Dear reader, please sense dripping sarcasm when you read the previous sentence. Thank you.] We then made our way to have dinner with Grandma Triiish & Papa, Uncle Don, the Wilsons, the California Morges and the Decatur Morges. Once dinner was over, Ryan piled his exhausted wife and sick baby back in the car for the trip back home. Thanks to the pinkeye, Patrick couldn't return to daycare on Monday, so Mommy stayed home with him. (And then ended up home sick on Tuesday)

Although I didn't get a lot of pictures over the weekend, I did manage to get a couple of shots of Patrick's goopy eyes for posterity:
Cap'n Crusty Eye borrowed Grandma's spoon for teething

Don't I look AWESOME?

Don't worry folks, I didn't forget that Patrick turned 6 months old on Tuesday, but with battling a nasty cold as well as now my own case of pinkeye, I haven't felt up to posting. We head to see Dr. Sanjay today and I'll do a 6 month post complete with stats in the next day or so.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Poor guy!
(I love that phrase too- In a Pickle!)


Oh, and don't feel bad. You didn't worry or have your phone handy because you know that he was in good hands with your mom! :)