Saturday, December 5, 2009

6 months

Instead of a traditional list of accomplishments, in honor of this milestone birthday, we’re going to change things up a bit.

My beautiful son,

Happy 6 month birthday! I can hardly believe that I’ve been able to hold you in my arms for 6 months now. Your daddy and I love you so much more than you could ever imagine. You are such a handsome little dude, with fantastic hair that stikkumups in all different directions and seems to be a different color every day. Your beautiful eyes are darkening, but still have the most gorgeous blue in the center; they look very much like your daddy’s eyes. Your smile is infectious, and you are so generous with it. Everyone says you’re the happiest little dude, and they’re right. You love to laugh, and your big laugh is a hilarious guffaw-squeak noise. I can’t help but laugh every time you laugh.

You are a champion sitter and desperately want to figure out how to crawl. You lean forward and pound your fist on the floor as if to say “c’mon floor, help me out here!” When you get on your tummy, you scoot backwards, in what daddy and I call ‘lobstering.’ You’ll be moving forward in no time, little man.

You are a little daredevil! You love diving forward on to your face when you’re hanging out in mommy and daddy’s bed, and love being tossed into the air. It’s only a matter of time before you’re hanging from the ceiling fan! (Kidding!)

You are the best sleeper ever – an 11 hour night is pretty standard for you. You usually go to bed without a fight and most nights sleep straight through. Every once in a while you get into a few day phase of waking up around 4, but we can’t complain.

You love your cereal, although sometimes you love the reaction you get for spitting it back at us more.

I can’t begin to imagine what the next few months are going to be like, but I know that they’ll be an adventure. We’re so blessed to have you in our lives. We love you, pnut!

P.S. Dr. Sanjay says you’re growing like a champ! You’re up to 18 lb 3 oz and 26.5 in!

Look at those rolls!!

Hanging out with your brothers

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