Monday, May 31, 2010

Yard Work

Although we've been living in our home for around 9 months now and the work on the interior has continued, we hadn't had the time to work on the yard. And it has been driving me crazy. The backyard had returned to its previous life as a hayfield and the front yard continued to look like a construction zone. I wanted a "real" yard.

This weekend, that real yard became, well, real. In fact, even more work than just the yard got done. On Thursday, my dad came down for the day and got hard to work painting inside. Thursday night, he and Ryan put down hardwood floor until way past my bedtime. (Believe it or not, Patrick STILL sleeps right through a hardwood floor being installed above his head.) On Friday, I headed off to work, Patrick to day care, and my dad, Ryan, and Ryan's dad got to work on the yard. Ryan's Uncle Don was kind enough to lend his bobcat and dump truck to our cause for a few days, and they got to work. By the time I got home on Friday, wow, there had been plenty of lawn mowing and dirt moving under way. My mom joined us on Friday evening to help keep an eye on Patrick while I was out in the yard and do some major cleaning and organizing on the inside of the house.

Saturday morning, Dad and Ryan got started early, and then headed south to pick up a tractor and tiller than a friend was kind enough to lend. While they did that, Mom and I ran errands. We met back at home after lunch for another hot day out in the sun. By the end of Saturday, the whole lawn had been cut,  front yard had been tilled, flattened, and seeded, and the garden had been dug out. We celebrated with a relaxing night watching the Blackhawks win game 1. WOOHOO!

Sunday morning we again started early, trying to beat the heat of the day. We got a lot of work done before Ryan and Dad took the long drive to return the tiller and Mom and I worked on cleaning the house. By the time Mom and Dad P left and Ryan's family arrived for an impromptu cookout, the backyard had been tilled where it needed it, the soil was built up near the deck, and the low spots in the yard had been filled. And we were tired!

All in all, it was an interesting process. Dad P spent 8+ hours on a riding lawnmower, and Dad P and I both 'rode' the crazy contraption that he and Ryan built to drag the front yard. We picked rocks and construction trash out of the yard by hand, and all ended up sunburned and sore. But when all was said and done, we had a beautiful start to a gorgeous non-construction lawn. It looks AMAZING!! Here are some pictures of the work in progress:
Farmer Ryan pulling Dad P on the scary drag contraption

Of course I had to join in and take a ride!

Men at work

Patrick wants to help with the lawn

So much fun!!!

We had some major rain today, so no more yard work was done. Weather permitting, maybe I'll get some before/after up here sometime. But, get ready for this folks, there will be another post tomorrow. Two posts in two days? Crazy, I know. But tomorrow is a very, very special day for one very special little boy - Patrick turns one! Of course, that deserves a post. Until then...


Jenny said...

That is a LOT of work! Look at you guys go! Impressive. By the way, do you live in the middle of no where?! :)

Leslie said...

Patrick on the tractor is the cutest picture ever!! Can't wait to see all the hard work in person!

Ryan, Meghan, and Patrick said...

Leslie - you're going to be stunned! The men folk worked SO hard!

Jenny - Middle of nowhere is pretty much right on. We do have some neighbors to our left, but its corn/soy to the front and right of the house, and cow pasture out in back. I'm 30 minutes from the nearest Target for heaven's sake!!!