Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

Hello all, Patrick here again. Since I'm the reason that mommy gets to celebrate Mother's Day, I am taking over the blog entry for this weekend. 

Mother's Day weekend was SO much fun for me and Mommy had a great time too. On Friday, my friend Henry came over to my house with his Mommy and Daddy to watch hockey and eat pizza. We wore our jammies and played late into the evening. Even though Henry is a Blues fan, we're still friends (GO HAWKS!)

On Saturday morning, we hopped in the car and drove up to Grammy and Grandpa P's. I slept almost the entire way, waking up to play just a few minutes before we got there. I'm such a great traveler!! 

Once we got there, I got to go do something cool for the first time - go swimming!! My mommy took me into the water verrrrry slowly. Since it was an "old people" pool, it was very warm and there was a ramp for us to walk down - perfect for a first-timer like me. 

Mommy and I got to cuddle in the pool (I think she might have loved it more than I did!):

I got to hang out in my own little boat:

Grandpa and Grammy helped me 'swim' while Daddy manned the camera from the edge of the pool.

Of course, no one could resist messing with my hair and giving me a funky do. 

It was such a fun time!! 
Sunday morning, I got to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy a bit and I gave Mommy her present. (More on that in a sec) Then we had a yummy breakfast, followed by another round at the pool with just Grammy and Mommy.

We followed our time in the pool with a great Mother's Day lunch, and then hopped back in the car to head home. When we got home, Daddy set up Mommy's present, and I got to join her in it:
Daddy and I got her a hammock!!! Mommy says its for "quiet Mommy time" but I think she'll let me hang out with her once in a while. Right, Mommy?

That's all for now! Love, Patrick

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