Monday, May 3, 2010

Creeping Towards a Year

I’m having a very hard time believing this, but Patrick is 11 months old already. Next time I do an entry like this he’ll be a year old!! Craziness…

What’s been happening this month?
  • His hair is starting to settle down. The back is still sticking up all over, but the top has settled into normal little boy hair. This makes it glaringly clear that he needs a haircut, but I think we’re going to hold off for a little while. Mommy’s seeing a little too much change in her little boy right now; cutting the hair would probably push her over the edge.
  • We’re up to 7 teeth – this last one came in with little difficulty and it doesn’t look like any more are pushing through right at this moment.
  • He has 2 ‘talk’ settings – quiet as a mouse or chatting (nonsense) constantly. He has a lot to say, I just wish we knew what it was. 
  • His new thing that cracks mommy up? He sits down on the floor with a book and starts flipping through it going “ooooooooooh” as if he’s very impressed. I don’t know where he got that, but it might have something to do with my over animated book reading.
  • Milk allergy: Present and accounted for. Not sure what we do in a month, getting a little nervous about it, actually. Luckily, it isn’t so severe that he can’t have products with dairy in them, or a taste of whipped cream here and there - he just reacts badly when I have a regular amount of straight dairy products. I’m taking that as a good sign that he may just grow out of this after all!
  • Food: Loves his puffs. Not a huge fan of chunks of fruit, but loved the fresh steamed sweet potatoes and squash that we gave him last week. Favorite food? Maple breakfast sausage. (Blame daddy for that one) He always wants to try whatever we have, but when we give it to him, he fake chokes.
  • And speaking of that - he has perfected the fake choke, using it whenever he feels he's not getting enough attention. We have to figure out a way to stop this...
  • Bottles: He finally slipped and showed us that he does know how to hold his own bottle, but most of the time just doesn’t care to. Why hold it yourself when you have two able bodied servants to do it for you? He is starting to get better at using a sippy cup, and loves to keep one with him, but Mommy is too worried that he isn't getting enough to let that be his only source of liquid.
  • He is a very, very busy little man. He loves to chase the cats, creep along anything he can, take all the Tupperware out of the cabinet, try to unload and/or crawl into the dishwasher, take all my cookbooks of the shelf, hand me things he finds on the floor, and try to play in the cat water. 
  • He loves being outside – if he’s cranky, a walk out on the deck will calm him down (aka distract him!) immediately. He is NOT a fan of grass, however:

Get me off of this stuff!!!!
  • He is a dancing machine, although dancing at this point is limited to shaking his head and bopping to what mom and dad are singing. Still, adorable. 
  • He will still applaud with the television, but now has added applauding for himself when he does something he's proud of. He also claps along with music - the other night we thought he was asleep in the back of the car when we heard him start clapping along with the radio. 
We have a big month ahead of us - May is a Mother's Day / Graduation / Birthday celebration filled month. Think I can keep on top of the blog? Probably not, but I'll sure as heck try!!


Sarah said...

What can I say? You had a child just like you; head-bopping to music and all.


Congrats on your big boy! Keep it going, mama!

Mara said...

I cannot believe what a big kid he's become, and its increasingly more obvious how long its been since I've seen you all... he's a wonderful boy! I'm so proud of you :)