Monday, January 12, 2009

From hole in the ground to whole lotta house!

For as impatient as I am, it's amazing to me how quickly some of this stuff happens. And how quickly I get behind on updating the blog so that friends and family can see the house without having to trek out onto the ice covered country roads. But enough about want to see the house!!!

In spite of some very uncooperative weather and a bunch of holiday and birthday time, a lot has happened at the house in the last few months.

When we last left this blog, the basement was poured. After that, came the basement framing:

Once that first floor was down, things really started moving. Before we knew it, the walls were going up! Trevor and his crew have worked hard, but so have the many wonderful family members who have devoted some of their precious free time to this effort. Here's one of the few pictures I have of family working, Papa Mike, Mike, and Ryan, building walls for Trevor to put up. (Excuse the dorky hats on Ryan and Papa. Even though they insisted they were fine, I was cold, so I bought them those hats and made them put them on.) More walls:

Ryan's awesome garage:

Soon after that, we were looking at the next floor going in:

And just this last week, the walls on the second floor have gone in. So now, you're all caught up. As of Sunday, this is the house.

From the front:

And the back:
Trevor had the walls/boards up on the garage before the weather turned this week. The snow, wind, and very bitter cold stopped progress this week, but with temps in the 30s and clear skies predicted for next week, things should be moving again soon.

Quick little side note since I'm the one writing this blog and I get to do things like this...

Ryan has been so amazing with this whole process, he spent most of his Christmas vacation at the house working with Trevor and the guys and putting his blood, sweat, and tears into the house. No, I mean literally. Look what happened:

Ok, so granted I took the picture after that had some time to heal, so it doesn't look that bad. But it has a great story. Yes, that's right, my dear husband got hit in the head with a 2X4. Apparently Trevor was picking up the board and didn't realize Ryan was behind him. It hit him in the face and landed on his chest, giving him that lovely scratch and an even lovelier bruise. Ryan has healed up nicely and has a great story to take with him from this process.

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