Monday, May 5, 2008

Landowners at last!

Well, we've done it. Ryan and I are officially the owners of 2 acres of land in Clinton, IL. Nothing much to tell, the closing went smoothly, lots of papers to sign, you know the deal. We got to meet Merle's wife Helen (Merle is our real estate agent & new neighbor) and she seems like a really great lady. While Ryan and Merle talked farming and well digging, Helen gave Meghan the scoop on all the neighbors. Here are some pictures of the land from yesterday and today.

Mom and Dad P came down to visit yesterday with Seamus. Here's dad and Seamus standing in what will be our front yard (poor little Seamus almost gets lost in the grass!):

This is the view from the back corner of the land (that small orange spot out there is the Mustang):

After the closing, Merle was kind enough to indulge Meghan's request for a "SOLD" sign. Here he is wrestling with the sign:

Ryan steps in to help Merle attach the "SOLD" sign:

And here we are, the proud landowners (YAY!):

1 comment:

Kevin and Elzbieta said...

Nice plot, Homesteaders! We see you "lost" the farming clothes, though. :)

Congratulations! Did you break the news (about moving) to the cats yet? How did they take it?


Kevin, Elzbieta, and Gabriella