Monday, June 7, 2010

Patrick's Birthday

In honor of Patrick's birthday, I took the day off work to spend the day with him. After the doctor's appointment mentioned in the previous post, we headed home briefly before driving down to Decatur for my dentist appointment. Ryan met us at the dentist and took Patrick with him down to the other house to do some "boy" stuff (fixing the air conditioner). We met back up with Uncle Andy for a yummy lunch at Mancino's, where Patrick got to have some bits of pizza and shredded cheese.

'Aunt' Julie was nice enough to invite us over, so after lunch we went to her and 'Uncle' Pari's apartment to play. He LOVED getting to play for hours with her, but eventually we had to get home for a nap.
On our way home we stopped at daycare so that Patrick could see his friends and I could talk to his 'teachers' about the changes in his diet. After that short stop, we made our way back home where Patrick crashed for a nap. When naptime was over, Daddy was home! Yay!

Ryan and I had planned a celebration dinner of steak and potatoes, and since Patrick had reached the ripe old age of 1, Ryan decided it was time Patrick learned the fine art of grilling and I took the opportunity to do a little photo shoot. Here are a few of the pictures from the evening:

1 comment:

Jenny said...

LOVE the last picture. what a cutie!