Monday, April 26, 2010

Patrick's Baptism

On Saturday, April 17th, we celebrated Patrick's Baptism with family and friends. Since we attend a small church, there was no way to fit all our guests in during our normal Sunday mass without displacing a quarter of the regular congregation, so we had it on Saturday afternoon instead. The result was a private baptism that was very warm and personal - Father Henehan did a wonderful job. I was a little worried about the water on the head because Patrick hates having his hair washed, but he was a trooper - no tears! While Patrick was a bit older than I pictured he'd be at his baptism, there was something so nice about him being old enough to know that he was surrounded by people he loves and that love him. 
During the reading

Patrick loves his cousin! (Check out the sweet suit!)

A blessing from Father

I am clearly worried that he's going to cry!

Uncle Andy lights the candle - Patrick wanted that candle SO BAD!

Pay attention, kid!

Godfather Uncle Andy, Patrick, and Godmother Aunt Elizabeth

After the ceremony.
(Not sure why we're standing so far from them. I blame the candle.)

Father Patrick Henehan, Patrick, Meghan, and Ryan (That's right, Father Patrick baptized our son St. Patrick's Church. No joke. If only we could have done it on St. Patrick's day!)

After the ceremony, our family and friends joined us back at the house for a reception. Unfortunately, I was too busy hosting (a.k.a. chatting and eating) to get more than a couple pictures. But it was so nice to relax and spend time with our wonderful family and friends. Thankfully, the weather was somewhat warm and not too windy, so we got to really enjoy our deck for the first time:
This picture is supposed to be of people chilling on the deck, but I'm guessing that about half the people that read this blog only see the mini Morge pies on the table :)

This gorgeous cake was even more delicious than it was pretty. (No, I didn't make it)
And since no weekend would be complete without construction of some sort, after the baptism, Ryan and Papa got to work grinding down the countertop so that the cooktop and backsplash could be permanently installed. Nothing exciting about that, I know, but I couldn't resist a picture of the menfolk in their "work clothes" - Corona and Mt. Dew pajama pants.


Jenny said...

Congrats to Patrick on his most special day!

Marta said...

Meghan...I love that dress you wore to the Baptism! So pretty. Patrick is getting so big and is adorable as ever!!