Sunday, March 28, 2010

March Madness

March just seemed to fly by, perhaps because there was so much going on. The first weekend was a crazy one, starting with Patricks 9 month doctor appointment, followed by Meghan attending a friends baby shower and then all of us at Madisons birthday party. Unfortunately, that weekend was followed by a stomach flu that took us out for a few days. Poor Patricks first stomach flu was not a fun one, but he was a trooper.
The cousins with Grandma and Papa at Madison's Party

Not long after that we got the excellent news that our new niece and nephew Celina and Josef had arrived. Hooray!! We havent gotten to meet them yet, but cannot wait so see them in a few short weeks.

The next weekend we were lucky enough to get to meet up with the Wilsons in Bloomington for a fun dinner out and a trip to Best Buy. Patrick loved it  any time he gets to spend with cousin Annabelle is a good time for him!
Chillin' in my laundry basket

The following week, poor little man ended up with a double ear infection. Bad for him: he didnt feel well. Good for him:  he got to spend a whole day with each of his grandmas who were each nice enough to spend a day watching him so Mommy and Daddy could both go to work. 

The last weekend of the month, we got to celebrate Miss Annabelles 3rd birthday with a very fun party at her house. It was a Tinkerbell themed party and the boys got to be pirates, so my little pirate dressed the part!

Cousin Annabelle, Uncle Ryan and Daddy playing golf before the party:

Patrick the Pirate: 

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