Monday, January 18, 2010


Well, 2010 has certainly started out a little trying, but we’re getting through. On New Years eve, Patrick popped his first tooth (one of the top ones), which was SO exciting for us! He had been a little whiney/fussy and drooly, but overall was a champ about it.

On New Years Day, Grandpa Phil and Ryan worked on the Decatur house while my mom and I took Patrick outlet shopping for some bigger clothes. It was cold, but we got some great deals on adorable clothes for Patrick.

We had a relaxing rest of the weekend, but started noticing that Patrick had developed a runny nose and cough. By Sunday night (the 3rd), his breathing was getting more rapid and I was getting more worried. He slept better than I expected Sunday night, but on Monday morning was looking and sounding much worse and was running a high fever. We made our way to the pediatrician where they checked his oxygen, had me give him a nebulizer treatment, swabbed his nose, and told me that he had RSV and an ear infection. AAAAUURGGGHH!!! I know its pretty common and we're lucky he didn't get it any earlier, but it was still really scary. Poor Patrick looked and sounded horrible, and our normally independent little guy spent much of the week curled in Mommy’s arms moaning. (For anyone who has seen When Harry Met Sally, picture the scene when Harry and Sally are on the phone and Harry decides to practice moaning. It was so pitiful.)

Patrick and I didn’t leave the house other than to go back to the pediatrician and Walgreens, and watched a LOT of terrible television. Oh, and little man popped 3 MORE TEETH while he was sick. Somehow, and honestly I’m not sure how, we got through the week.

Patrick’s fever was finally gone by Thursday morning and he was clearly starting to feel better. I was exhausted, but thrilled. That is, of course, until Thursday evening when I came down with a case of food poisoning. Thankfully, Ryan's mom and dad were able to come down on Friday - Papa to help Ryan with the Decatur house and Mom to watch Patrick while I tried to get my stomach back in order. Patrick and I spent the rest of the weekend recuperating while Ryan continued work on the house.

Despite still having food poisoning, on Monday I returned to work and Patrick went back to daycare. Finally, back to a schedule. Normal life. Not for long!

On Tuesday, Patrick developed hives on his back. So, although we thought we were through the worst of it, on Wednesday we found ourselves back at the pediatrician. Thankfully, during that visit they were able to recheck his ears (infection gone) and determine that the hives were due to some sort of allergic reaction. Unfortunately, given the different medications and recent introduction of new foods, there was no good way to determine what caused the reaction. He was given yet another medication to get the allergic reaction under control and with any luck it was a contact-type reaction that we won't see again (I'm hilarious, right?) 

So here we are. 2 1/2 weeks into January. Everyone is doing better and this past weekend we were even able to get some projects done around our house! 

Here are just a few pictures that we've taken so far this month:

Patrick has learned to love bathtime!

Like my new baseball cap?

This is what happens when you fall asleep on your play mat.

Daddy tried to lure Patrick into crawling. He is SO close!!

Two of the four teefers!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

What a mess. There is nothing scarier than your baby being sick... and you went through a lot. Glad everything is ok!

The pictures are so cute, you couldn't even tell he was under the weather!