Monday, November 16, 2009

First Cereal

After weeks of hesitation on Mommy's part, Patrick got to try cereal for the first time last night (and Mommy didn't even cry!!) He wasn't quite sure about it - more ended up on him than in him, but it was a good first attempt. It was an adventure trying to get the spoon past "the gates" - as soon as the spoon got close, Patrick would swoop his arms in and try to grab it. And when he was done, he was DONE. Mouth wouldn't open, started crying, etc. Eh, we'll keep trying! Here are a few pics:


Ummmm, not so sure about this.

Quick, the gates are closing!!!

Happy little cereal eater!

Looking like a fighter pilot with all those straps!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I feel like he looks SO MUCH like both of you!! What a cutie. Love the big smile. Cereal is fun, but veggies and fruit are even more fun! (especially when they spit it all over you)