Saturday, October 3, 2009

4 months!!

Thanks to the timing of our move and the lack of internet that followed, we missed posting Patrick’s 3 month accomplishments. I promise I’ll get some pictures from the last 6 weeks posted, but in the meantime, here’s a little bit about our little man at 4 months!

Patrick at 4 months:

  • Can’t decide whether he likes or hates baths. Sometimes he’s a joy, sometimes he screams. Either way, he clearly prefers daddy’s baths to mommy’s.

  • Had his first round of shots and has his second round in a couple of weeks. He cried less than mommy did and calmed down faster.

  • Is a great eater, but isn’t quite ready to switch from the slow flow to the medium flow bottle nipples. We keep trying, but he drowns.

  • Is quite a talker – he loves to have long “conversations” with anyone who will talk with him. (And sometimes himself)

  • Is super smiley and has developed a “real” laugh, different from his baby giggles. His ‘real’ laugh only escapes once in a while and tends to surprise him.

  • He LOVES to travel in his Baby Bjorn. He is happy as a clam riding on Mommy or Daddy’s chest while we take family walks with the dogs. (He even rode in it all day when we went to the Apple and Pork Festival.)

  • Had another trip to the hospital. There were needles involved. Yes, he screamed. Yes, I cried. Better not to think too much about it.

  • Thinks his Daddy is the greatest guy EVER. His little face just lights up every time he sees Daddy. Or maybe he’s laughing at the hair :P

  • Falls asleep on his own with no problem and is starting to wake up happy (as opposed to screaming for food)

  • Has an incredible tolerance for a wet diaper. Probably not a good sign for eventual potty training!

  • Does not roll over. Shows no interest in it whatsoever. What the heck, kid?

  • Scoots around on his back like crazy while he sleeps. Every morning I find him all turned around and in a corner of his crib, many times with an arm or leg hanging out.

  • Chews on his hands all the time and drools like crazy. Do we have teeth in our near future?

  • Likes to watch his kittens. Also likes to watch TV, much to mommy’s dismay.

  • Can sit up from a reclined position.

  • Loves to stand up (while we hold his arms or hips) – he’s incredibly strong. Why am I starting to get the feeling we’re going to go from sitting to walking and skip crawling all together?

Yesterday, Patrick and I went to see the doctor for his 4 month appointment. (Poor daddy was sick and couldn't go with.) Our little growing champ is 15#6oz and 24.5 in long. Dr. has given us the go ahead to start rice cereal anytime, although I confess I'd rather wait until 6 mos. We'll see. We're not trying anything new until we get everyone back to relatively good health in this house.

Since Ryan is still sick, my only time to post is when little guy naps. If Patrick takes a decent nap this afternoon, I'll get some pics posted. Fingers crossed!!

1 comment:

Grandma Trish said...

It sounds like little Patrick is growing up quickly! I miss him and hope to see him soon. Looking forward to the pictures. Love to all, Momma Morge