Monday, January 21, 2008

What a week...

Hey, Meghan here. Last week started off with a bang, literally. That was the noise that the following jar of salsa made when it fell off the shelf in the pantry from about 5 feet up, landing on my toe, resulting in my first ever broken bone. (I can practically hear the sigh of relief from all the Morge kids, seeing that it wasnt a jar of Papa's salsa!)

Hey, I never claimed I wasn't clumsy! Anyway, despite the freezing temperatures, I spent most of last week without a shoe on my right foot. I was unable to stay on my feet for too long without the toe really starting to hurt, but thankfully it has improved, and I can finally put a shoe back on and walk without looking too gimpy.

Things improved greatly when over the weekend Mom and Big Poppa P came down for a visit to celebrate Mom's birthday. Mom and I did as much shopping as one can do with a broken toe, while the boys worked around the house. Thanks to the hard work of Poppa P, Ryan, and Don, the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad wallpaper is FINALLY gone from the bedroom. Here are the boys hard at work:

Ok, so maybe it wasn't ALL work - Ryan and Dad took a little Wii Lego Star Wars Break (nice hair, pops!):

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